On the afternoon of the 4th, Choi Hee Jin wrote on her personal Cyworld minihomepage, claiming that Tae Jin Ah was a murderer for forcing her to abort her baby.
In the entry, Choi Hee Jin wrote:
Return the child that Eru told me to have. Eru is nice so he's going through with everything you tell him to but he probably doesn't think of you as a respectful father. Eru, do you remember the ultrasound picture of our baby that I sent through my cell phone? You were shocked but you didn't suggest that I abort the baby. Even now, I'm so thankful for that. You weren't able to protect the baby and I until the end but I won't resent you...
Tae Jin Ah-ssi, you remember as well, right? The ultrasound picture I showed you. You murderer... Just because you didn't directly kill someone doesn't mean you're not a murderer. Bring back the child you forcefully killed... The child I miss so much. Where in hell is my child living in now? I want to go crazy because of how upset I feel. Will the pain of driving a knife into the flesh be as painful as this?
How can you walk around with a face acting as if you don't know anything? Zero morality, zero conscience............ You seem to be living your life too easily. Just die with me now.....
In an interview with the press, Choi Hee Jin stated "December of 2008, I sent an ultrasound picture to Eru and Tae Jin Ah. Tae Jin Ah came to my house and forced me to abort the baby, using physical force on me. Eventually, I lost the baby. I was 4 weeks and a half pregnant. When Eru first found out, he was shocked but told me to keep the baby. He was nice and innocent. His family tried to give me $2,000 but I didn't accept it. I just wanted to live happily as a single mom."
However, Choi Hee Jin claims that all she wants is an apology when asked whether or not she would be taking legal action.
Netizens remain divided on the issue, with one side finding suspicious blog entries in the time frame she claimed to have lost the baby, while the other side is claiming that her lies have gone too far.
Tae Jin Ah's representatives stated on the 4th, "Because we're not doing anything about this situation, I think people are misunderstanding us as being guilty. None of Choi's accusations are true. We are currently gathering evidence and are planning to reveal everything when the time is right. The mass public will always look at Tae Jin Ah and Eru as the assailants no matter what we do because of Choi. We are restricting ourselves in order to prevent further image damage."
Source: Seoul News, New Daily
Choi Hee Jin claims she was forced to abort Eru's baby

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