The unstoppable, charismatic hip-hop duo Supreme Team recently shared a few funny stories on tvN. During the recording of show 'Behind Star' for the 'Life Graph' corner, Supreme Team revealed a few stories that had occurred in their lives. In particular, they explained that since their nicknames for the group were in English, they were frequently misunderstood for a non-korean foreign group. Simon D said, "A long time ago when I had my head shaved, had mustache, and wore hip-hop clothes, as a joke, I pretended to be a foreigner and said 'Cheeseburger Potato Man', and everyone thought I was a foreigner. I was frequently mistaken for a Jew, Arab, or Filipino." E-Sens added, "When I saw hyung (Simon D) for the first time, I thought he was a son from a rich family, or a prince from the Middle East." Supreme Team also revealed the difficulties they suffered before debuting, as they lived their early days in an attic with two other people. They said, "We didn't have clothes, so whenever we finished a performance, we'd share around a t-shirt we received for free." They continued, "During those days, we considered chicken as dining-out food, and so whenever we received money for our performances, it was only after a lot of thinking that we would actually go out to buy chicken."
Simon D looks like an Arab?
Posted by 8 pts Tuesday, August 31, 2010
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