Sexy actress Park Han Byul recently took part in a photoshoot for popular fashion magazine Ceci, showing off her flawless body. The photoshoot was titled True Feeling, and Park Han Byul was able to show off the Levi's brand body wear through a variety of poses. She also sported various pieces of lingerie, further spicing things up. An official at the shoot revealed, "Park Han Byul did a great job modeling the Levi's body wear clothes this time around. She was intrested in each piece of clothing too, and was excited to complete the pictorial. Hopefully her good looks will attract lots' of attention." Meanwhile, Park Han Byul has recently been busy with more advertising offers following her completion of popular dramas Oh! My Lady and Everybody Cha Cha Cha. [gallery]
Park Han Byul models lingerie for Ceci
Posted by 3 pts Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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