People were indeed tired of waiting for the HahaMong Show, which aired on the 1st. Though the show was packed with the hottest idols, it failed to impress. The show consists of idols as permanent guests and and long-time friends Haha and MC Mong as the main MCs. The pilot episode's guests were Big Bang's Seungri and Daesung. They also went into 2AM's dorm for the other half of the show to act as their moms for the day. But were people's expectations set too high? Were they just too tired of waiting since it took a whole month to air? Or was the show just not that good? The ratings show that this program only received a 4.5% viewer rating. That is a low rating for most shows, especially an anticipated one. It was Children's Day in Korea so that automatically lowers down the ratings but these ratings are lower than expected. I still haven't figured out what the problem is because I watched it myself and enjoyed it. Just because it took a long time to get here means it shouldn't be watched. Will the show pick up in future?
The HahaMong Show begins on a bad note
Posted by 5 pts Sunday, May 2, 2010
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