Thought Jinwoon and Nicole had a thing? Not even. A couple of pictures taken by a netizen are spreading across the net like wildfire, claiming to be snapshots of KARA's Nicole and SHINee's Key walking together on the streets.
Of course, they are in heavy disguise... or at least attempted to be.
The netizen by the name of "GyuriDdaWoom (????)" posted these mysterious pictures at a public blog under the title 'Nicole and Key'.
The poster included a subtitle explaining that the location was Apgujung-dong, and also assumed that Nicole was in the middle of a study session with Key as a textbook was in her hands. Even with the hats and masks, the netizen was clearly able to tell that the two were none other than Nicole and Key.
Although the pictures seem fishy, the netizens were rather dull in reaction. It turns out that Nicole and Key are known to be close friends, and the two being together in real life isn't much of a surprise. Nicole herself once approved of her close friendship with Key on the last month's episode of Strong Heart.
Hm, Nicole plus Key... Nikey, anyone?
Nicole and Key sighted together

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