Three of the chefs from popular drama Pasta recently made an appearance on KBS Star Golden Bell. On this episode, the boys, Kim Tae Ho, Noh Min Woo, and Choi Jae Hwan (in order according to the picture above, minus curly-haired Hyun Woo) played a little game of matchmaking with the members of Kara. At first, Han Seungyeon was coupled up with Noh Min Woo, but then stated "After talking with Choi Jae Hwan, I like him. I want my guy to only be kind to me." Kang Ji Young and Goo Hara both chose Choi Jae Hwan as their ideal guy as well. Kang Ji Young stated, "Rather than a good-looking guy, I like a guy who's fun to be around." With three Kara members interested in him, how did Choi Jae Hwan respond? He stated, "I've always been interested in Nicole, but she's more charming in person," and chose Nicole. Way to kill your chances with Kara! On another note, Gyuri, known for taking interest in manly guys, chose Kim Tae Ho as her ideal guy. However, another possible couple failed to emerge as Kim Tae Ho chose Kara's maknae, Ji Young. To this, Gyuri stated, "It was hard choosing from those three guys," garnering much laughter.
The Pasta boys and Kara girls play matchmaking!
Posted by 3 pts Saturday, March 27, 2010
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