The infamous actress trio of recently closed-down sitcom series, High Kick Through the Roof will be reuniting once again on an upcoming drama, Birdie Buddy. The trio consists of Oh Hyun Kyung, who played the mother, Yoo In Na, who played Jung Eum's friend, and Jin Ji Hee, who played the evil girl that shouts "Bbang ggoo ddong ggoo" at innocent people's face. Oh Hyun Kyung has taken the role of Min Sae Hwa, a beautiful but cold entrepreneur of a golf resort. Yoo In Na will still be the best friend of the main character, whereas Jin Ji Hee will play the child version of UEE. Excited much?
Oh Hyun Kyung, Yoo In Na, and Jin Ji Hee of High Kick join Birdie Buddy
Posted by 5 pts Thursday, March 25, 2010
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