The boys of BEAST (minus Ki Gwang) recently visited Super Junior's Kiss The Radio (SuKiRa), hosted by Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. In their visit, the boys each picked their favorite member of SNSD. BEAST's leader Doojoon picked Hyoyeon, explaining that she is really kind. When Doojoon picked her, Eunhyuk seemed to be a bit jealous so Doojoon commented, "Am I not supposed to pick her?" to which Eunhyuk replied, "It's ok, we can fight [for her]." Yeoseob choose Seohyun, explaining that she's similar to his ideal type of girl who is cute and has long straight hair. The next three members, Dongwoon, Junhyung and Hyunseung all choose YoonA. Dongwoon explained, "At one time in the morning, I saw YoonA's face without makeup, and she was so beautiful." He then looked at the camera and sent a video message to her, saying, "Hello. Are you listening? You are so beautiful." Junhyung also explained that he once saw YoonA's beautiful face without makeup. Junhyung was then asked, "If Dongwoon and YoonA were drowning, who would you save?" to which he answered, "YoonA of course." During their visit, the boys also sang Mystery and Shock: Mystery Shock [Thanks to Ryan for the tip].
BEAST picks their favorite SNSD member

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