A few months back, Kara leader Gyuri's mother revealed her daughter's offstage personality is a total opposite from her idol goddess persona. On the Lunar New Year's special of KBS Big Star Family that aired on February 15, many celebrities' family members made special appearances on the show, including Park Gyuri's mom, Park Sohyun. Big Star Family included a speed quiz segment that presented various keywords to the guests. When 'ramyun' (noodles) came up, Gyuri revealed, "I would hide ramyun then eat it secretly." "Gyuri has had goddess habits ever since she was young," Park Sohyun said, "but her love for ramyun made her hide the food and eat it secretly... then get caught by me," a comment that caused the guests to burst into laughter. It's nice to see that Gyuri doesn't really fit the arrogant 2D goddess image that she's been connected with in the past, don't you think? Later on the show, the duo also performed a parody performance titled "Mother Human Rights Committee"... stay tuned!
Mother reveals Kara's Gyuri to be a... ramyun thief?
Posted by 4 pts Monday, February 15, 2010
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