Actress Han Chae Young, sometimes referred to as the "Korea's Barbie," reunites with jewelry brand Stonehenge to model for their sparkly products. The Korean Barbie made her debut in 2000 as an actress and she looks as beautiful as ever. If you can recall, she had a small role last year in the hit drama Boys Over Flowers. She's taken a 4 year hiatus from starring in a TV drama and she's currently busy preparing a comeback of sorts as she prepares to have a leading role in the upcoming MBC drama The Man Called God. Not only that, but she'll also appear with Korea's Hallyu megastar Lee Byung Hun in the movie Influence. As she graces the pictures with perfect elegance, Han Chae Young posing for Stonehenge is only a quick teaser of what seems to be her big comeback, so stay tuned! [gallery]
Han Chae Young for Stonehenge
Posted by 2 pts Friday, February 19, 2010
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