The end has finally come for SBS Family Outing as the show's main duo, Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Hyori, will now officially be exiting. Their last filming has already been planned to take place on the 11th of this month. Family Outing has recently failed to maintain the high viewership rating they once had, due to the endless controversies regarding the show's concept of 'reality'. However, Family Outing was still able to hold its position as one of the most popular shows in Korea. Aside from the new celebrity guests that appeared each week, viewers grew attached to the regular members of the show. Unfortunately, their last episode is scheduled to air in mid-February, closing Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Hyori's long history of over a-year-and-a-half as the show's main spectacle. It has already been reported a new season of Family Outing awaits to fill in the time slot; however, the stars to appear on the follow-up program are still uncertain. Their last trip will not feature new stars as guest like usual, but instead, previous members of the show will come together to end the season. This includes Lee Chun Hee, Park Ye Jin, and Park Si Yeon. It seems like the Family Outing members are now going their own separate ways: Yoo Jae Suk is now getting ready to be a daddy, Lee Hyori is going back to her singing career, Kim Suro is playing a major role in a drama, Daesung is preparing for the 'Big Show' with his Big Bang members, and lastly Kim Jong Kook is expecting to make a comeback this month with a brand new album. Yoo Jae Suk will be returning for season 2 after taking paternal leave, but with Hyori gone and the cast shifting around, can Family Outing ever be the same again?
Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Hyori to leave Family Outing
Posted by 5 pts Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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