TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's upcoming single Break Out! isn't scheduled to be released until next week on January 27th but you wouldn't know that given all the #1's they're achieving in Japan.
First up is the USEN chart, USEN is one of the largest media contents company in Japan and TVXQ's Break Out achieved 1st on their Hits&Chart:
Next is Oricon's Ninki Rating Chart. The Ninki Rating is based on polls conducted by Oricon trying to gauge interest in a pending album release. The Ninki Rating is very strong and usually correct when predicting where the actual sales ranking will be. TVXQ's Break Out was predicted to be #1:
Here we have ameba's most popular searches, ameba is a popularity blogging site used by a lot of Japanese celebrities and Tohoshinki came in as the most searched term:
Finally we have the Annual Anime Theme Song Sales Chart where TVXQ's Share The World for the popular anime One Piece took 1st place:
Turmoil or not, these boys popularity in Japan constantly soars. Thanks to baby love and Mitakki for sharing the info.
Bonus Video, Break Out in HD:
TVXQ achieves #1 in Japan even before official release of Break Out!
Friday, January 22, 2010
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