Following the unfortunate news of Daul Kim's death, her fellow friends in the model business have shared their condolences for the 20-year-old model. Model Hye Bak (real name: Bak Hye Lim) updated the main screen of her minihompy with the headline "Goodbye" and a brief message "You will be sorely missed." Hye Bak and Daul have appeared on various fashion shows together and even ranked in the Top 50 fashion models on a site called Model Lee Hyuk Soo (real name: Lee Soo Hyuk) also shared a few words on his Cyworld minihompy: "Daul, you have to be happy." Lee Hyuk Soo has always maintained a close friendship with Daul. She's walked for Chanel and been the face of Moschino, and always shared her spunky side in her blog and through her paintings. She was admired among fashion followers for her gorgeous editorials and runways. Daul worked hard to bring environmental awareness and action to the youth of South Korea as the spokesperson for the Korean Federation for Environmental Movement. Daul has maintained a blog, I Like To Fork Myself. Her final blog entry was titled "Say Hi to Forever" and was posted on the 18th, just one day prior to her passing. Daul was pronounced dead in her apartment at Paris, France. Although the official cause of her death remains unknown at this time, the local police, who are currently in the process of investigation, presume it a suicide. The effect of her unexpected and untimely death has undoubtedly come as a great shock and disbelief to many people. It is such a shame that the world has lost an intelligent and beautiful young woman as Daul. Regardless, our hearts go out to her family, friends and fans during this time of sadness.
Models send condolences to Daul Kim
Posted by 0 pt Friday, November 20, 2009
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