Actress Kim Min Sun whose outburst last year amidst fierce debates and street protests over the resumption of U.S. beef imports by the government last year led to an uproar, has recently changed her name to Kim Gyuri. According to TN Entertainment on the 26th, Kim Min Sun had recently applied for a name change at a family court and is now known as Kim Gyuri. She has also received her new identity card with her new name on it. But even before this announcement, fans had already uploaded autographs of Kim Min Sun which already reflected her new name of Kim Gyuri. Kim Min Sun wanted to change her name to Gyuri because she was called by that name by her family when she was little. Although the name clashes against others who have the same name, she wanted to regain the feeling of being called that name again. But according to a close friend, Min Sun wanted to change her luck, especially the lawsuits that were filed against her. Her company had advised against the name change but they eventually relented after Min Sun showed great determination to do so. It's believed that Kim Min Sun wanted to change her luck especially with her outburst against U.S beef imports, having a negative impact on her life. Kim Min Sun had said on her Cyworld last year, "I would rather drink potassium cyanide than eat U.S. beef and bones tainted with bovine spongiform encephalopathy virus." Since then, she has been served with compensation lawsuits by U.S. beef importers for misleading the public with her words, affecting their sales.
Kim Min Sun is now Kim Gyuri
Thursday, November 26, 2009
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