After a day of comebacks, teasers and debuts, Taeyang seeks to set himself apart from the rest of the gents with Where U At tonight by sticking with the night of the ladies' music video releases. Speaking of sticking with the ladies, wait til the ending of the video because there's something that literally gave me goosebumps! The piano teaser (to Wedding Dress?) is to DIE for. Anyway, the song was released so recently that it's still warm from the printing press, yet Taeyang's already back with the music video! With his trademark gangsta look and Lyle Beniga and Shaun Evaristo as his back-up dancers, this MV is undoubtedly awesome. I know some of you may be disappointed that Taeyang won't be promoting this song live, but trust me, this music video makes up for it. It's really a shame that he won't be in the running because I honestly think Taeyang would have an reasonable chance at toppling his competitors... but that's just my opinion. Without further ado: (click HD for high definition) Although this may be refreshing for you fans that have been waiting for Youngbae's solo return after a year, we're not even close to the really good stuff yet - Where U At isn't even the main focus as Taeyang is set to release & promote another single, Wedding Dress on the 11th next month. I don't know about you guys, but this music video left me practically crying for more. With nearly a month longer to wait, I've got to hand it to YG Entertainment for knowing how to tease, because they've got me & many others I'm sure wrapped around their finger... with something like this, I wouldn't be surprised if we get some enormous hype come November, Heartbreaker style! Buuuut for now, indulge on this music video. Hot or not? (Is that even a question?)
Taeyang's "Where U At" MV

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