It was reported on 24th September that charismatic actor, Shin Hyun Joon has been implicated in an assault case. According to sources from within Kangnam police station, Shin Hyun Joon's manager, Mr. Jang, had gone to them recently and accused Shin Hyun Joon of assaulting him. The police have now opened investigations into this matter. A representative from the police station said that Shin Hyun Joon's manager who had worked with him for five years already, claimed that he had gotten into a heated argument with Shin Hyun Joon at a pub in early September. The argument soon turned ugly, as he claimed that he was assaulted by Shin Hyun Joon, suffering multiple injuries in the aftermath of the assault. With regards to this, the police are not going to press charges yet since they have only heard one side of the story from Mr. Jang. They will be asking for Shin Hyun Joon to come to the police station soon for an interview about his possible involvement regarding the assault charges filed against him by his manager.
Shin Hyun Joon Assaulted His Manager?
Posted by 0 pt Thursday, September 24, 2009
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