SM Entertainment's latest girl group, f(x), has been making headlines left and right for their polished performances and well rounded abilities. One member in particular has also been grasping the attention of several online cafes with her androgynous looks that have been her trademark from past until present. She is f(x)'s Amber. Amber has resided in Korea for about a year and a half now and as a non-native Korean speaker, things might still need some adjusting to. Like several other kpop stars that have learned Korean as their second language, it's only natural that many of them speak in English with fellow speakers within their label or other groups. Amber is no exception. It has been revealed that Amber and Kara's bubbly charisma, Nicole, are quite close. Nicole was also originally from America and had moved to Korea for training to become part of her present girl group. Amber stated, "I'm really close to KARA's Nicole. Since we can converse in English, it is more comfortable for the both of us." When girls of different groups come together and feel as though they can confide in one another for support, even if it is just a simple conversation in English, it shows that even though 2009 is the battle of the girl groups, friendships are still capable of blossoming in the midst. Thanks for the tip, coffeebeanie@KARAholic!
Amber and Nicole Are Close

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