The filming of SBS Swallow the Sun has suffered another setback after Lee Wan developed an adverse skin reaction recently, forcing him to return to Seoul to seek treatment. This is the second setback for the production after it was shut down earlier this month for the H1N1 virus. According to staff on the set, Lee Wan's face condition has detoriated badly after being constantly exposed to the strong winds at Jeju Island during outdoor filming. It is so serious that even make-up can no longer conceal the imperfections. In addition, the effect would simply get amplified on HD television which shows no mercy. With that in mind, the production has to send Lee Wan back to Seoul for treatment since he plays an important role in the drama. To ensure that the filming schedule is not disrupted, only scenes involving Lee Wan will be put on hold. They will await his return to Jeju Island once he's recovered sufficiently
Lee Wan leaves Swallow the Sun production temporarily

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