Following Junho's foot steps, Taecyeon also posted his first tweet on twitter recently today. Junho who was still learning English, posted many updates as well as pictures, and so there was high anticipations for Taecyeon's (a native English speaker) first tweet. Well, let's just say, he did not disappoint. Taecyeon wrote an essay for his first tweet, detailing everything that's he has been going through recently, from his life with the boys of 2PM to which celebrities he currently has a crush on. However, the only problem is that it went over the 140 characters limit, and so he just wrote "tired..." Such powerful words. It's almost as if I can feel his pain. Which would have been great, except for the fact that I'm allergic to pain. Pain allergy is real, but unfortunately my mom always seems to forget it every time she beats my ass. I can already predict his next few tweets. bored... thirsty... hungry... sleepy... horn.....ets. (Apparently he likes the New Orlean Hornets. Who knew?)
2PM's Taecyeon Wrote An Essay for His First Tweet!
Posted by 0 pt Thursday, August 13, 2009
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