Super Junior member, Kangin has revealed the real story behind the "Shindong naked disturbance" incident. On the 20th June episode of KBS2TV Star Golden Bell. Kangin said, "Shindong often sleeps naked. One day, while all the other members were out with schedules, Shindong was sleeping alone in the dorm. The cleaning lady came into the room and started her cleaning duties. Nothing seemed amiss until she opened the curtains and saw that Shindong was stark naked and started screaming." Kangin continued, "After that happened, the cleaning lady apologized to Shindong, but Shindong himself felt sorry instead for the cleaning lady. Kangin's story starts at 8.00. credit: chateuki
Shindong likes to sleep naked
Posted by 0 pt Sunday, June 21, 2009
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