The brutal reality show "Mnet Scandal", after breaking the hearts of so many 2PM fans, has now moved onto 2AM members, Jo Kwon and Im Seulong. Pictures from their dates have surfaced on the internet, leaving many netizens and fans drowning in their own tears. This "Mnet Scandal" episode of their week long date will be released on July 1st. Seulong's date Not many photos of Seulong's date have been released yet, so in the mean time, check out the photos from Jo Kwon's sizzling date. On the 27th, Jo Kwon and his Mnet hoe enjoyed a short date at the Seoul Jamwon Ji Gu swimming pool for some fun in the sun. Netizens are outraged at the pictures of them holding hands and Jo Kwon carrying her in the pool. Even though Jo Kwon is a bit on the feminine side, the type that would most likely leave you behind in the face of danger, he looks like he would make a great boyfriend! Jo Kwon's date Of course, upon the release of these pictures, netizens have reacted. While some are crying their hearts out, others took on a more pathetic humorous approach - blurring the girl's face, photoshopping her out, and even replacing her with a picture of bananas! The banana artist included a sweet note under the new and improved picture: "Mnet stuff yourself, stuff yourself with (aka choke on) bananas ^_^..." Just when I thought the 2PM madness was all coming to an end, Mnet throws a huge curve ball and goes after the 2AM boys! But since I'm a nice person, I'll let this slide.. but if Mnet makes a move on my baby Wooyoung, only then will all hell break loose..
Jo Kwon and Seulong's "Mnet Scandal" Photos Released!
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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