A makeshift group consisting of Davichi, Nam Gyuri-less Seeya, and Ji Yeon from T-Ara have joined forces on a track for the Cinderella Man OST called 여성시대/영원한 사' (Women's Generation/Forever Love). The vocally gifted group truly does sound like a grown up Girl's Generation, even if Ji Yeon is a mind-boggling 15 and Davichi's Minkyung is only 20. I'm eagerly anticipating the MV, as I envision it combining Yoona + Kwon Sang Woo hotness, the catchy but tonally powerful song, and the gift from the heavens known as Minkyung's legs. And her cutie dumples. And her slender hands that probably inspired The Beatles song. Of course, those all pale in comparison to her velvety voice that keeps on telling me to "Give me a call, baby baby." I guess my AllKPop-esque crush has been revealed. I'll try to keep the revelations down in future posts though, heh. The promotions for the song, starting May 8th on Music Core, should be fun to watch, as it's not often that five female pop stars known more for their voices than for their looks get up on stage together. Hopefully, Seeya can get over their recent troubles and have fun being back at the Cores and Banks and Inkis. May 8th will also mark Ji Yeon's live debut, even though it's not with her actual group. Davichi at the peak of their powers at yesterday/today's KBS Open Concert: See Ya in better times: T-Ara's "Good Person" MV (also for the Cinderella Man OST)
Davichi + Seeya + T-Ara: Not Girl's Generation, Women's Generation!
Posted by 0 pt Sunday, May 3, 2009
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