
Interview with the F4 of Boys over Flowers

Posted by GhostWriter Saturday, April 4, 2009

Boys Over Flowers recently wrapped up it's final episode and has been a huge success in Korea, ISPLUS recently did an interview with each of the boys of F4. Translated by Joe Gimm, source: ISPLUS + K-Popped! Kim Bum: IS: The So Yi-jung in Boys Before Flowers seems to be a smooth playboy - a ladies’ man. KB: Thank you for the compliment but in real life, I am quite different. I am shy and do not mingle easily with people, much less attract beautiful women. IS: Do you have a girlfriend? KB: I’ve never had a girlfriend. I have been always too involved in something or other and have not found a girlfriend. IS: If you had a girlfriend, what would you like her to do for you? KB: I would like her to cook for me and pack me a nice lunch box. During my busy shooting schedule, I often have to skip a meal. When that happens, I could eat the lunch box my girlfriend has lovingly prepared for me. IS: Who is #1 on your mobile phone speed dial? KB: I believe it’s a “hyung” (elder brother/senior) from my agency whom I call for support. When I have a girlfriend, I would probably change her number to be #1 on my speed dial then. IS: What would you do if your parents oppose marriage to your chosen one " much like Boys Before Flowers’ Gu Jun-pyo’s situation? KB: If I do not get married to the one I love because of the opposition of those around me, I will regret it for the rest of my life. I will persuade my parent’s for their blessing. IS: What is your motto in life? KB: Making a mistake once is alright, but don’t make it twice. As you live life, you may experience failures and you may make mistakes. However, I do not want to encounter the same defeat from making the same mistake again. It means that although a person can’t be perfect, he/she should try his/her best to come close to perfection. IS: What is your biggest crisis in life to date? KB: I don’t think I have experienced any extra ordinary crisis in my life. I have worked hard to overcome certain things, but I do not consider them crisis in my life. IS: Do you want to be a tycoon like your character in Boys Before Flowers? KB: I do not want to be a tycoon, although I am always keen to achieve, and to live out my dream. IS: Favourite Internet sites? KB: Daum, Naver and other portal sites because news and information can be obtained very quickly. IS: What do you always carry in your bag? KB: Mobile phone and wallet. IS: Do you have a jinx or habit? KB: The day before the first day of shooting the drama I could not sleep. However, when morning comes, I go to the set in good spirits and get the job done. The next night, if I don’t get to sleep again, my condition worsens. IS: When you feel stressed how do you solve it? KB: When I am stressed, I look for my friends. I get de-stressed when I hang out with them, laughing and talking. IS: Who is your favourite sports star? KB: Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo. IS: What three things would you bring to a desert island? KB: Game consoles, DVD player and cell phone. I could watch movies with the DVD player and enjoy the island in between playing games on my console. Why would I bring a cell phone to a deserted island? I saw a CF once where the mobile phone was used to call for a Jjajangmyeon delivery. (T/N: Kim Bum’s answer sounds "보 to me. Game console and DVD player with no TV?) IS: If you have a completely free day, what would you do? KB: I would like to go somewhere to clear my head and unwind. Lee Min Ho: Image IS: The Baeksang Arts Awards fall (referring to Min-ho tripping on the Red Carpet) was a hot topic. LMH: Yeah what a silly mistake and I was embarrassed. But my fans did cheer me on and I could see the love of the fans. IS: What is your motto in life? LMH: Not to give up on my goals. Victory is not as important as possessing a fighting spirit. My motto is to not give up even if I fail. I think to have that attitude is just beautiful. IS: What was the biggest crisis in your life to date? LMH: There was this traffic accident in 2006. I had to stay in the hospital for 6 months. At first I was frustrated and I couldn’t even walk. But I am glad I overcame that. IS: How do you relieve stress? LMH: Just sleep. Sleep until the stress disappears. I have slept for 24 hours previously. IS: What’s your sleeping habit like? LMH: I grind my teeth and talk in my sleep, which is why my pals don’t want to sleep with me when we travel. IS: When and where was your first kiss? LMH: It was when I was a freshman in high school. I kissed my girlfriend, standing right in front of her house. IS: What do you think most women want as a gift? LMH: If I had a girlfriend, that would be good. Women want you to be their best friend. That’s the best gift of all. IS: When was the last time you dated and had a girlfriend? LMH: When I was 20. I haven’t had a girlfriend since University. IS: What is your ideal type of woman? LMH: I think more of her overall style and my feeling toward her than her appearance. I’m drawn to a woman, although not pretty, that appeals to my feeling strongly. IS: If you had a lover, which term of endearment would you use to call her? LMH: It depends on the style of the woman (T/N: literal translation. But i guess he means the term of endearment he will use depends on what kind of woman she is. There is no fixed term for all.) IS: What if your parents were against your marriage " like in the character Gu Jun-pyo? LMH: We will run away and elope. IS: Which actress would you like to work with in future? LMH: Song Hye-kyo sunbae. She is elegant and classy and has loads of charisma and possesses excellent acting skills. Should I get a chance to work with her, I would be able to learn a lot and no doubt be very nervous. IS: Person whom you most want to meet? LMH: I want to meet Hollywood actor Edward Norton. He has a laid back, comfortable charisma that is so impressive. When I meet him, I will ask “Will you teach me how?” But I must brush up on my English first. IS: Who is your favourite sports star? LMH: Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo. It was my dream in elementary school to become a professional soccer player. If I continued to play soccer, I hope to be a player like Cristiano Ronaldo now. IS: What’s your favourite food and what dish do you cook well? LMH: I like meat. Recipe? Just roast it. I have a secret roasting process. Beef, pork or chicken, I use the same recipe. IS: What is your #1 karaoke song? (The song you sing all the time at karaokes) LMH: Toy’s 내가 잠시 너의 곁에 살았다" 걸 IS: What do you always carry in your bag? LMH: Cologne. I always like to smell nice. IS: What is your favourite drink? LMH: I usually don’t drink alcohol. Three cups of soju is my limit. I like hard liquor. IS: Do you have a jinx or habit? LMH: Whenever I’m in a drama or movie, I injure myself. I have to be extra careful. IS: What three things would you bring to a desert island? LMH: A bed, lighter and my mobile phone. Having a nice bed to sleep on would be good (yes! i agree with this!!). On a deserted island, your food should be cooked - hence the lighter. I could cook fish. I would be so bored on a deserted island that I would play with all the games I downloaded to my mobile phone. IS: What do you envy of your F4 members? LMH: Kim Bum’s small face, Kim Joon’s big eyes, Kim Hyun-joong’s fair complexion. As for the whole package, I am actually the best. Kim Hyun Joong: Image IS: Who do you want to meet most in the world? KHJ: Of course Seo Taiji. When i was a child, I listened to a variety of foreign music and I liked the rock genre. The top song when I was in school was Seo Taiji and Boys’ “Nan-arayo” ( 난 알아"). Then when I heard “Ultramania”, I decided to become a singer. I have a lot of respect for Seo Taiji. IS: Do you have any talent you’ve been polishing since the school days? KHJ: I played bass guitar in a band when I was in high school. I can play it quite well. I enjoy expressing it by playing guitar when I get a musical idea. I would spend whole day to search for rare guitars when I was visiting Japan. I love the guitar. IS: Do you have any places you want to travel to? Who with? KHJ: I have friends whom I’ve been growing up with in the same town. I’ve spent most of my life with them. I fear nothing when I’m with them. I want to travel to space with them and challenge the limit of our lives. Does that sound like nonsense? IS: Who is number one on your mobile phone speed dial? KHJ: I have a bad memory and my mobile phone directory stores my important numbers but I don’t use the speed dial. IS: What do you always carry in your bag? KHJ: An extra pair of contact lens, eye drops and a shaver. Also an extra pair of underwear and socks just in case we end up shooting all night. IS: Which actress would you like to work with? KHJ: Lee Hyo-ri. Before I made a debut as a singer, she was my dream girl. Hyori is my senior and gave me lots of valuable advice. She is such an inspiration to me. IS: What is your motto in life? KHJ: You only have one chance in life, live hard and earn fame. Help the poor and be respected. IS: What’s the difference before and after F4? KHJ: The age range of people who recognise me became various. The character Ji Hoo seemed to give me a chance to produce another Kim Hyun Joong. IS: Have you ever posted any opinion under Internet news articles (about youself)? KHJ: I try not to read bad posts (about me). I would read what people write about me on my fan page and write my opinions as well. Sometimes I reveal myself and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I write really harsh reports on myself to push myself. I visit Daum the most. IS: Do you have a bad habit or jinx? KHJ: No jinx. Habit perhaps? When I am stressed, I like to go on fishing trips or listen to music. IS: What if your parents were against your marriage " like in the character Gu Jun-pyo? KHJ: I will try to persuade my parents, that I am responsible enough to make the decision. Where and with whom do you like to drink with? KHJ: I drink a lot. Soju. Anywhere (the place is not important). I drink with my band mates and friends. A simple stall by the street is good enough. I like my soju with pork and kimchi. IS: What was the biggest crisis in your life to date? KHJ: It was when I was in the MBC TV show We’ve Got Married. We went to film at Halla Mountain (Halla San) at Jeju Island. We took 5 hours to climb up the mountain and 2 hours to get down. I didn’t go easy but went on briskly. I ran down for 2 hours without a break. Finally, when we reached the bottom and it was time for an interview at the hotel, I had no energy left and fainted. IS: What would you do if you won ₩ 10,000,000,000 (around $7,500,000) in the lottery? KHJ: ₩ 5,000,000,000 to parents. ₩ 1,000,000,000 to my boss Lee Ho-yeon of DSP Entertainment. 20% to needy neighbours, 20% to share with friends. IS: Do you have any skin care secrets? KHJ: My dermatologist takes care of my skin very well. That’s my honest answer. Haha. I will always try to clean my skin properly. IS: What is your sleeping habit? KHJ: I sleep in only my underwear. I can’t endure wearing anything more because I am afraid of the heat. I like the feeling of the blanket next to my skin and only wear my underwear to bed. IS: When did you last date and how old were you? KHJ: We split up just before I made my debut (in SS501). Haha. IS: What would you call your girlfriend if you have one? KHJ: I would just call her name. I’m not as gentle or tender as Ji Hoo. I wish my girlfriend was someone just like a friend, who I would feel comfortable with. IS: What do you want to receive from your girlfriend? KHJ: Actually, I would be more comfortable giving than receiving. Even if I have something I want, I won’t tell her and I would just buy it myself. I would give anything from me to the most precious one. IS: What do you envy of your F4 members? KHJ: Min-ho’s height, Bum’s maturity and Joon’s personality? IS: What is the best fortune of your life so far? KHJ: The fact that I have friends who I’ve been with since primary school, and that I’m a member of SS501. IS: If you have a completely free day, what would you do? KHJ: I just want to sleep all day. IS: Who manages your income? KHJ: Since I was a child and started off with part-time jobs, I have been managing my own income. My parents trust me. Kim Joon: Image IS: Person whom you want to meet the most? KJ: Since young, I have always wanted to meet Seo Taiji. He has been my idol since childhood days. When I was in elementary school, he was the face of the leading music then. Now, 17 years after his debut album, he is still active in the music scene and I have a lot of respect for that. IS: Who is your favourite sports star? KJ: Michael Jordan. I loved watching him during NBA Basketball mania. Michael Jordan - the name itself is a strong force. IS: What is your life motto? KJ: “Just do the best you can”, that is my motto. IS: What’s the difference after being one of F4? KJ: People see me differently. Maybe people who I used to know see me differently now and also the people I get to know newly. Ajummas would give cheers at me when I go to a restaurant and I feel that I’m being taken care of a lot since the drama became really popular. IS: What would you do if you won ₩ 10,000,000,000 in the lottery? KJ: I would put it in savings. When a lot of money comes to me at one time, I would plan how to use it carefully to avoid bitterness in the future. IS: What do you envy of your F4 members? KJ: I envy their vast experience at such a young age. The other F4 members are younger than me, yet I am the one who’s the rookie (in the entertainment industry). Their careers have gone off to a great start. IS: Do you have any talent or skill you can show in front of people? KJ: I rap in T-MAX so rapping is the thing I’m confident of. I used to like dancing when I was younger but I don’t think I dance better than others. I like rapping because I can express myself when I create it or write lyrics. You can do it with melody but doing it with lyrics is more fascinating. IS: Favourite Internet site? KJ: I enjoy surfing the net, but I don’t have a favourite site. However, I like to check up on Boys Before Flowers articles and related articles. IS: What if you become a tycoon like your character in the drama? KJ: I would see how much I have in my bank account. I would feel contented when I see the numbers and think ‘I have this much’. Actually I wonder whether those tycoons would check how much money they have. IS: The best luck you had in your life? KJ: When I debuted as a singer in the group T-MAX. That was a big break for me. IS: What was the biggest crisis in your life? KJ: The time when I was preparing to debut as a singer was the darkest years of my life. The waiting, challenges I faced and uncertainty was difficult. IS: Which actress would you love to work with? KJ: I’m still a beginning actor so I haven’t really thought about which actress I want to act with. I just feel joyful that I have been so lucky at the start of my acting career. IS: How much do you drink and who do you drink with? KJ: I can drink about a bottle of Soju. I normally drink with other guys of T-MAX, who I’ve gone through hard times with. IS: What do you always carry in your bag? KJ: These days my phone is the most important item. But to think about it, the wallet is probably more important. IS: How do you relieve stress? KJ: I de-stress by emitting a sound like a great roar. When I was playing sports as a child, we used to do this before starting a game. So the roaring has become a habit. Sometimes it’s just fun to let out a ROAR! IS: What three things would you bring to a desert island? KJ: Cell phone, mp3 player and lots of water! I would like to be able to contact others, listen to the music I like and keep my throat moist. IS: If you have a completely free day, what would you do? KJ: I want to sleep. We don’t get enough sleep while shooting the drama. IS: How do you manage your income? KJ: My parents do. I have little to spend money on nowadays since my schedule is so hectic that I hardly get any pocket money.

  1. KIM BUM
  4. F4
  10. ISPLUS
  11. KIMBUM
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