Big Bang's Daesung was on Star King recently on January 3rd and his segments stole the show. The first segment was Daesung singing with 5 of his look a likes. The 5 look a likes consisted of: 1) A Korean man who lives in Japan and gets mistaken as Daesung in Japan. 2 & 3) Two Korean guys who looked like Daesung. 4) A Korean girl whom netizens and friends said that looked like Daesung and 5) A 6 year old boy. The 6 year old boy was the highlight of the segment. Daesung and his cohorts are pretty ugly but they seem to be nice people. God dealt them a hand of 2-7 off suit but they live life as if they're holding 2 Aces. Let's just hope they don't get burned on the river. youtube credit: chauCNN Daesung imitating others:
Big Bang's Daesung finds his long lost twins
Monday, January 5, 2009
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