Bae Yong Jun, who has been parading in Michael Jackson-esque outfits lately, is set to release a traveler’s guide in the beginning of 2009, advertising the beauty and culture of Korea. This guide will be written personally by the King of Four Gods, and will be published in several foreign languages in addition to Korean, to milk Bae’s international fan base. I wonder if the book will come with photos of the actor himself, topless in the wilderness. That would certainly bring all the ajummas and Japanese housewives out. The kimchi, the not so authentic Korean foods, and now this. And I thought actors are supposed to act in something. I guess all you have to do nowadays is act in a drama 6 years ago, and sell everything you could slap your name onto after that. I'll be selling ChubbieBunnie brand marshmallows soon.
Bae Yong Jun to Release Traveler’s Guide

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