In the blink of an eye, or one second... 40,000 tickets were sold for TVXQ's Japan Tour Concert at the Saitama Super Arena which will be held May 5th. Are you kidding me? 40,000 psycho's fans spent good, hard-earned yen to see YunHo sing like a girly man during Fur pull Purple Line? This has got to be some kind of record. The Elves should be ashamed of themselves, It took Super Junior 18 minutes to sell out their concert and that was only 13,000 tickets. I find it very hard to believe that 40,000 tickets were sold in one second. Working on web sites for years, I know that it would be very hard to have 40,000 concurrent connections at any given point of time. Which leads me to believe that the figure is extremely exagerrated. I'm thinking that maybe the majority of the tickets were already presold in some fashion before they even went on sale online. Also it's interesting to note that the Saitama Super Arena has a maximum capacity of 37,000. How could they sell 3,000 tickets over the maximum capacity? I suppose they would have 3,000 of the fans standing. Hey, every dollar counts & you know cassiopeian's would do anything to attend the concert.
You need cat-like reflexes to buy TVXQ Concert Tickets
Monday, February 11, 2008
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