TREASURE have dropped their music video for "Hello".
In the MV, TREASURE spend a summer day alone until they get together to party on the streets. "Hello" is the title song of their 2nd mini-album 'THE SECOND STEP: CHAPTER TWO', and the lyrics are about finding someone you've been looking for your entire life.
Watch TREASURE's "Hello" MV above, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
TREASURE party on the streets in 'Hello' MV
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
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I just lstened to their new album and man, these kids are talented. The entire album is a journey of different genres and feels. I can understand why they uaed Hello as a title to put a contrast to jikjin earlier this year. But thwir bsides are awesome. Clap and VolKno are fire. Those who are not into the title and make a quick judgment of the group without listening to the other tracks are missing out. The range these kids have in producing their songs is commendable.