Pixar is back with its newest movie Turning Red. The film follows the life of Rosalie Chiang as Mei Lee, a 13-year-old girl torn between her obedience to her mother and the never-ending chaos of adolescence. Mei and her friends Miriam (voiced by Ava Morse), Abby (voiced by Hyein Park), and Priya (voiced by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) embark on a desperate quest to secure tickets to a 4*Town concert. Unfortunately, the girls run into issues as they try to convince their parents to let them see the boy-band members. Mei faces an additional challenge — whenever she gets too excited, she "poofs" into a giant fluffy red panda!
To celebrate the premiere of Turning Red, Rosalie Chiang, Ava Morse, Hyein Park, and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan joined allkpop in a fun trivia game to determine who the real boy-band expert is! Check out the video above to see the members guess questions about BTS, One Direction, and more!
I just finished the movie this morning, it was great. I also remember when I heard Ming’s voice, and I was like “omg is that Sandra”.