WINTER'S fancam was uploaded on January 29, 2022, and has reached 10 million views in just 25 days, breaking the previous records held by EXID's HANI and BLACKPINK's LISA, who took 151 and 157 days to reach 10 million views, respectively. She is also the fastest of all fourth-generation idols to 10 million views for a fancam.
BlueCupcake273,938 ptsWednesday, February 23, 2022 0
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
The person that made the thumbnail is a genius, winter is popular yes but I assure you that like me, there were a lot of people that clicked just for that cute thumbnail, I saw the video and I’m not even a fan.
17(+19 / -2)
allforkai2020364 ptsWednesday, February 23, 2022 0
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
yes her cams get a lot of views regardless but that thumbnail was a genius move 😂 i bet other idols are wishing they got lucky with a good thumbnail like that...
The person that made the thumbnail is a genius, winter is popular yes but I assure you that like me, there were a lot of people that clicked just for that cute thumbnail, I saw the video and I’m not even a fan.