MNet 'Girls Planet 999' survival show released the 'O.O.O.' theme song performance clip.
In this video fans around the world can see all Korean trainees which will participate in the show.
Two next versions, with Chinese and Japanese trainees, should be released in the next few days.
MNet 'Girls Planet 999' releases theme song 'O.O.O.' performance video
28,163 pts Monday, July 12, 2021
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Shouldn't you have shown all the girls, all 33?
For more than a minute, they showed one girl, her penetration, a close-up. Why is this? So that only her one will be remembered and exactly voted for her? Aren't all girls supposed to have the same time in a video? Shouldn't all girls have the same chances? This is a disgusting video, because already in it there is a manipulation of the audience's attention. I will not watch this show. They're trying to make a fool of me, to pull the strings. I don’t give in to this!
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