On the latest installment of the popular EBS series 'Giant Peng TV' hosted by the nation's favorite character, Pengsoo, 2PM's Junho auditioned(?) for the biggest entertainment company of South Korea, EBS Entertainment(..?)!
On this day, it was revealed that after waiting for over 10 minutes for Junho to show up, Pengsoo decided to head straight for Junho's house himself. Once he arrived at JYP Entertainment, Pengsoo demanded, "Why didn't you show up? You told me you'd be there in 10 minutes!" Hearing this, Junho burst out laughing.
Next, Pengsoo convinced(?) Junho that he should consider leaving JYP Entertainment to join EBS Entertainment, and the two headed to the practice room to test(?) Junho's dancing skills. The 2PM member showed off a bit of his "My House" moves for the first time since his return from mandatory service, proving that he still had the perfect mix of softness and charisma.
After the audition(?), Pengsoo and Junho talked about 2PM's comeback plans. Pengsoo outrightly asked, "When is 2PM's comeback?" Junho responded, "Actually, headquarters upstairs is working on it right about now. We've been looking forward to it, the fans have been waiting, everyone wants it to happen."
Pengsoo persisted, "Is the comeback date decided yet?" Junho hinted, "Right around when it starts getting hot?" Pengsoo quickly added on, "July when? Or August when?" To this, Junho answered, "It could be before that?"
Pengsoo then concluded, "It must be June then!" Check out the latest episode of 'Giant Peng TV' starring "My House" Junho, above!
Yaaas, cannot wait for their summer comeback!