16-year old Japanese singer/song-writer Ruann recently made her dream debut in Korea, with the release of her 1st digital single "Beep Beep"!
In the MV for the energetic house pop dance genre single, Ruann freely crosses the boundary between cute and girly, to powerful and edgy with an easygoing smile, showcasing her potential not only in singing, but dancing, rap, and more. The choreography for Ruann's "Beep Beep" was created by 1Million Studio's Lia Kim, along with pop choreographer Yoon Jin Woo in charge of creating Ruann's solo dance break.
What do you think of Ruann's ambitious debut in Korea?

Just only watched & listened on YouTube 2nd time & my heart monitor rate went haywire crazy ....
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep ....HEELLLLO RUANN! 🌞😂😹😂😹😂 Are u shuh she's just 16???? Yikes!🥴🤯☺️