MAMAMOO's Hwa Sa teared up during an episode of 'I Live Alone'.
During the March 1st episode, Hwa Sa guested on the show and watched a segment of Han Hye Jin talk about her modeling job. Although the job may look "easy", according to Han Hye Jin, the reality of the field was primarily based on outer looks that were almost "impossible to change for the better."
"Modeling is a job that you must do using only your physical values. This may sound very cold-hearted and brutal, but you do the job using the shell (of an animal -- figuratively referring to oneself as an animal) that you already have, so the amount of improvement that you can make is very limited," said Han Hye Jin.
"These days, I do come out in a lot of shows and have a public that is familiar with my face and my name but, there were times when people have asked 'how have you done modeling with those qualifications and that face and those visuals?'. When I heard those things, I was very hurt.

"My mom has given birth to me so well. And, honestly, I, as a woman, as a daughter, and as a girlfriend of someone, I tried not to show signs of distress. But, actually, I was very tired," confessed the model.
Hwa Sa, who shed a tear after listening to Han Hye Jin on-screen, showed admiration for the 'sunbae' and shared, "I think she has gone through a lonely battle with herself for so many years. Even though I've only done [this] for about five to six years, I was able to understand everything she was saying."
Watching the girls side by side, Park Na Rae also shed a tear during the show.
Check out the full video above!
For those who might not understand exactly why Hwasa is more sensitive to these subjects, just remember that although we might think she's beautiful (and she is from my perspective), her face/body is really different from the beauty stereotype that Korea/Asia might have.
Wide hips, strong face, "tanned skin", so a lot of persons tend to call her fat, ugly, western wannabe, etc.
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