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[Documentary by Asian Theory] The Great Seungri Scandal, The Biggest Scandal To Ever Hit Korean Entertainment

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It's actually a fairly clear and concise documentary of much of what has happened so far. I also appreciated the metaphor from the book that he used that myself and my colleagues have discussed when talking about this scandal. Seungri was idolizing 'The Great Gatsby' and really centered the theme of his concert series around it. But the thing is, Gatsby clawed his way to the top through deceit, and hurt innocent people in the process. In the end he suffers the consequences of karma, but the truly powerful people who also did wrong get away with their deeds; to top it all off, Gatsby is later forgotten by most everyone. What's crazy is, in a way, that's what's playing out here. If you believe in it, Karma caught up to Seungri, his deeds revealed, and he is going down. What's very interesting to note is that it is clear that he was definitely working to maintain some powerful investors. But in the end, I highly doubt most (if any) of them will have any severe consequences for their actions. He will suffer his own fate, and those he worked so hard with whom to gain favor will go on with their lives and forget him. It's a shame and a waste of his talents, but he deserves every bit of this for all the people he directly and indirectly hurt. He wanted to be Gatsby, and now he has embodied just that.
Worth watching.
Funny how all Seungri's oppalogists say "wait for more info!" and subsequently ignore any info they disagree with. Did I say "funny"? I meant "Fuck you Seungri oppalogists!"
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