The squishy and lovable baby Gunhoo of soccer player Park Joo Ho's family held the first solo interview of his life during the February 10 broadcast of 'Superman Is Back'!
One big suspicion among 'Superman' fans is that baby Gunhoo is one very smart baby, known for his ability to express himself through numerous complex facial expressions and "baby language".
During the first solo interview of his life, Gunhoo started off simple by smiling cutely when asked, "What's your name?" Then, he confidently answered "3!" to, "How old are you?". For a moment, Gunhoo's runny nose caused a delay in the interview. But then, when asked, "Can you actually talk?", Gunhoo's facial expression turned stone-cold and serious!
The baby maintained his serious, thoughtful expression for several seconds, seeming to debate in the back of his mind whether to expose his truthfully eloquent, speaking abilities. Ultimately, Gunhoo decided to respond with a big smile, saving his speaking skills for another time (probably in another year or so).
Also on this episode of 'Superman Is Back', Gunhoo and Naeun's father Park Joo Ho went behind the scenes and acted as Gunhoo's voice dubbing actor(?), to lessen Naeun and Gunhoo's constant bickering.

please if someone didnt see this watch from 1:20 so cute