Two years ago, South Korea was brought to immense shock and disgust when the 'Telegram Nth Room' incident surfaced. The man behind the horrid incident was arrested on March 19, 2020 for operating a reclusive telegram chatroom involving the sex trafficking of underage girls, in addition to a myriad of violent crimes committed against over 70 women. It has been reported that the videos containing these crimes have been sold to over 260,000 men. Korean citizens were further shocked when the man behind this criminal organization was only 25 at the time and the operators were also young men, some even students.
Since the incident broke out, it has been referred to as the 'Nth Room Incident' and has been known as one of the biggest organized sex crimes that occurred in South Korea.
Recently, South Korea was brought to shock again when a Chinese 'Nth Room' incident was reported. According to reports from Chinese media outlets, a Chinese pedophile website was uncovered through reports from netizens. It was reported that there were victims as young as three-years-old, bringing shock and disgust.
Additionally, according to the reports, the victims are mostly between the ages of six to ten and there are videos in which the victims are coerced to film or voluntarily film. Many Chinese netizens have reported the site in hopes that the website is taken down; however, there are still more hidden websites in which these videos are shared. Many are deeming this incident worse than the Korean 'Nth Room' incident as the scale and magnitude of the organization might be bigger.
Many Chinese netizens and Korean netizens are raising their voice in concern and disgust. Korean netizens commented, "This is so disgusting," "I hope the people running and managing that site are sentenced to death," "This is worse than the Nth room in Korea, they really need to be sentenced to death," "This is so gross I feel like throwing up," "This is so disgusting," I really wish the sexual predators from Korea are also taken to China to be sentenced to death with these criminals," "I really wish all these people disappear from the face of the earth," "I know China they still have death sentences, I wish they can take the 'Nth Room' criminals and all sexual criminals to be sentenced to death there too," and more.
This is a worldwide issue that will never end (until THE end) because this world is full of evil.
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