When a man ran away after defecating on the stairs of a building in Daejeon, the owner of the building took matters into his own hands and hung a banner to find the culprit.
On October 21, posts titled "The owner of a building printed the face of the person who ran away after taking a poo on a banner," were uploaded on various online communities in Korea.
The post didn't have any other explanation except the photo of a banner. The banner said, "Looking for the person who defecated on the stairs of the building. If you don't turn yourself in, we will post the surveillance footage on the internet."
According to the information on the banner, the incident occurred on September 29 at 4:56 PM. The banner explained, "On this day, this man got off the bus at 4:54 PM and defecated on the stairs of the second floor at 4:56 PM and ran away without even washing. He then went on another bus at 5 PM."
The banner also describes the man's appearance and wrote, "The man is in his early 20s, at 172 cm tall, speculated to be 72 kg. He has a bit of long hair that is dyed. He wore black shorts with a black shirt and white slippers."
The person who created the banner explained they are the owner of the building, and spoke with News1 about the incident. He explained, "I cleaned the feces myself. The man in question still has not turned himself in."
Meanwhile, this man who broke into the building without permission is guilty of intrusion. According to Article 319 of the Criminal Act, he may be sentenced to up to three years in prison or fined up to 5 million KRW. In addition, in accordance with Article 3 (1), 12 of the Misdemeanor Punishment Act, a fine of up to 100,000KRW will be imposed for the "act of urinating in a public place where many people, such as on the street, gather or go."
This was supposed to go on the Allkpoop site.
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