Many wonder what it would be like to win the lottery. This was more the case for Mrs. A (age 53) as she was struggling day by day as she ran a street stall.
Mrs. A was married to Mr. B, who was six years older than she is. Then in 2019, Mrs. A's husband won the lottery of 780 million KRW (~696,678 USD). After Mr. B had won the lottery, Mrs. A believed that the couple's suffering would end and they would become happy. However, that was not the case.
Mr. B had become more obsessed with the money he had won from the lottery and his obsession became the catalyst for all conflicts between them. Mr. B continued to look down on Mrs. A constantly verbally abusing her. Mrs. A also believed that Mr. B was being disrespectful to her mother.
Then Mrs. A's emotion that was suppressed for 11 months was at the brink of exploding. Eventually, in December of last year, an incident occurred. Mrs. A found out that her husband had taken out a loan without her consulting with her and bought a real estate in Changhyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do.

After finding out about the loan, Mrs. A lost her temper and the two became embroiled in a verbal argument which escalated. Mr. B took out a blunt weapon and began threatening Mrs. A. However, Mrs. A didn't back down and took the weapon from Mr. B and wielded it at him. Mr. B fell to the ground and asked Mrs.A to save him and not kill him but Mrs. A didn't stop her attack.
Even after Mr. B lost conscience, Mrs. A continued to take out her anger. Even when the 911 paramedics arrived at the scene, Mrs. A still could not calm down. She continued to scream, "I suffered and had a hard time for a year because of you! I'm going to kill you all! Don't touch me!"
Ultimately, Mrs. A's husband, Mr.B died and Mrs. A was arrested and charged with murder. The result of the trial was clear as Mrs. A's actions were clearly intentional and mounted to excessive defense.
During the first trial, the court stated, "The defendant committed the crime even though she was fully aware and predicted the possibility and the risk of the victim's death." However, Mrs. A continued to claim that the murder was not intentional.
The court also judged that "the actions of the defendant was not an act of defense to protect herself but rather a crime of murder to intentionally kill the victim."
Mrs. A was sentenced to 12 years in prison but appealed against the court. However, the Supreme Court rejected her appeal.
they aint wrong when they say if you win the lottery, the ones you know will try and kill you.
anyways it seems like mr b should've left her or mrs a should've left him.
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