According to the app/retail analysis service WISEAPP, here are the SNS platforms that South Koreans spend the most amount of their time on!
For the month of March, the total amount of time that Koreans spent on the SNS platform Instagram amounted to 5.8 billion hours. This means that 15,660,000 Instagram users in South Korea spent on average 6 hours and 11 minutes per month.
This also put Instagram as the fourth most-used mobile app in any category, falling just behind YouTube, KakaoTalk, and Naver. According to WISEAPP, in one month (March), South Koreans spent a total of 70.5 billion hours on YouTube, 30.2 billion hours on KakaoTalk, and 21 billion hours on Naver.
After Instagram, the most-used SNS apps were: Facebook (4.2 billion hours/month), Twitter (2.8 billion hours/month), Naver Cafe (2.6 billion hours/month), etc.
You can also check out which SNS apps are the most popularly used by different age groups, below! Koreans in their teens equally preferred Facebook and Instagram, while Koreans in their twenties and thirties strongly preferred Instagram.
SNS Apps that Koreans Spend the Most Time On (All):

SNS Apps That Koreans Spend the Most Time On (Teens):

SNS Apps That Koreans Spend the Most Time On (20's):

SNS Apps That Koreans Spend the Most Time On (30's):

Interesting, I thought teens would be more into twitter and instagram, not facebook so much :O