The mobile online market app called 'Daangn (Carrot) Market' had revealed a statement about a controversial listing selling a 36-week old baby for 200,000 KRW (~175.10 USD).
'Daangn Market' is a trading app similar to eBay or craigslist, where the users of the app can trade or sell items to people in the same area. This app is popular among Koreans who want to buy used goods for a lower price.

On October 19th, 'Daangn Market' closed the baby listing to the public and made it private as soon as they received reports. They stated they would be implementing measures to find such postings and filter them out.
Earlier, on October 16th at 6:36 AM KST, there was a listing made in the Seogwi-po area category for the adoption of a 36-week old baby.
The listing creator was the baby's mother and put the baby up on the market to be adopted for 200,000 KRW (~175 USD). Around 6:40 AM, 'Daangn Market' received a report about the post and sent the mother a message requesting the listing's deletion. 'Carrot Market' revealed to the mother that the subject of her sale is prohibited.

After, 'Daangn Market' changed the listing to private and permanently banned the mother from the online market.
Police revealed that the lister is a single mother who apparently made the listing after being under stress after giving birth in an unwanted pregnancy. According to police, the young woman became pregnant at a young age and received much stress mentally and physically. Therefore, she decided to put the child up for adoption but wanted to make some money as well.

The young woman who made the post also told police that she became angered when she received counseling from centers for single mothers. The young woman stated, "The baby doesn't have a father, but I still gave birth. I became angered when I was getting counseling from the single mothers' center while trying to send the baby off for adoption."
The mother also stated in the listing that the baby was 36-wee; however, it was revealed that she had given birth to the baby on October 13th.
Currently, the police have stated they will closely investigate whether the baby's mother violated the Child Welfare Act when she entered the single mother's facility after leaving the postnatal care center.
They added, "We will work with related agencies to find ways to support the infant and the mother."
And this is why abortions needs to be legal. You can't force someone to be a parent. When you do, what you have is a person being brought up by someone who resents their very existence. Great, what a moral victory.
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