Netizens are reacting strongly in an online community post after the revelation that mukbang Youtuber Ssoyoung uploaded a video of her eating live octopuses. The video was uploaded in March 2019 but it has recently come to light thanks to the community post.
Although live octopus is a specialty dish in Korea (San-nakji), it is often served after the octopus is chopped up into small pieces. Many netizens found Ssoyoung's video horrifying due to the fact that she ate the octopuses whole.
Comments include:
"This crosses the line."
"She's shut off comments on the video. Why does she embarrass our country like this?"
"My god."
"I like eating live octopus too but this is just disgusting."
"Insane and disgusting."
Do you think netizen reactions are justified?
this is VERY old news. she already got criticized for it about 2 months ago and her and her management issued an apology promising to never post videos like that again, even though it is infuriating that she kept the video up and just turned comments off. I do hope she never dose it again, her treating animals like that while acting all scared on camera for a gag of it is plain uneducated and cruel. octopuses are highly intelligent and have way more nerve endings than humans do, so this octopus went through hell while this bimbo ate it alive.
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