Popular Youtuber and vlogger Yooipyon shared a story about a stalker who harassed her for a year.
In a YouTube video featuring highlights from her Afreeca live stream, she revealed that she "was patient for a year. I warned them that I would upload a video and report them, but the stalker keeps breaking their promises, forcing me to do this. A person kept chasing me when I was in Korea a couple of days ago. I've been receiving contact from this person for over a year. At first, I thought they were just a dedicated fan but they started coming to my house. That's when I got a strange feeling."

She continued, saying: "they would find out which train I was taking to where I was sitting in the airplane, and kept sending me texts. Even during my broadcast, they kept chasing. What's more horrifying is they're in the live stream chatbox right now, commenting. I'm talking about you. Why do you act like it's not about you?
The stalker then commented: "We just met by fate while I was passing by. It was just an accident. What are you going to do if I get reported."
Yooipyon responded firmly, saying: "I am angry that you keep saying things like this. I keep blocking the stalker but they keep changing their ID. If you do this one more time I"m going to report you."
Check out the video below.
Laws on stalkers need serious reform. A nutjob needs to do something really testing the limits before police can act, and that's way too late.