It's explained the civilian known as 'A' was driving across the Jungang Bridge early in the morning when he discovered a seemingly lost pet puppy.
According to the civilian, the tiny dog appeared to be in a dangerous situation with cars continuously speeding down the road. He tried to take the animal to a safer location, however, was left devastated after witnessing the puppy getting hit by a taxi. He cuddled the injured animal in his arms and rushed over to the emergency room. Unfortunately, the puppy died moments later.
He explained, "I felt crushed when the emergency personnel just placed the dead animal inside a garbage bag, so I went and retrieved the animal, and decided to give it a proper funeral procession instead."
The post continued, "This is the only photo left...The puppy didn't have a bad odor and is neatly groomed. Judging from this, it hasn't been long since the puppy wandered around in the streets alone. I'm writing this just in case the family is looking for their pet," and asked for the owner to leave a note in response.
No one has responded to claim the puppy yet. The deceased animal was most likely lost near Dongdaemun or Jungnang Districts.

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