On February 14, it was reported that Korean Air's former vice president and "nut rage" woman Heather Cho deposited 200 million won (approx. $180,000 USD) into the court, giving the court authority to offer purser Park Chang Jin and stewardess Kim 100 million won (approx. $90,000 USD) each.
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On December 5, Cho made headlines when it was reported that she turned a plane around in order to kick out a crew member. The story goes that Cho was dissatisfied with how her nuts were served to her. Cho then verbally abused stewardess Kim, who served her the nuts, as well as purser Park, before ordering the plane to turn around to kick Park off.
On February 12, Cho was found guilty of violating aviation laws, changing a flight path, and obstructing justice by destroying evidence and pressuring Korean Air employees to lie about the "nut rage" incident. Cho submitted six letters of apology to the court; however, in the end, she was assigned a sentence of one year in prison. Currently, Cho's side is appealing for another trial.
Regarding the decision to offer Park and Kim 100 million won each, Cho's side stated, "After worrying about it, [Cho] decided that it would be right for her to provide financial consolation." They continued, "Although [Cho's] desire to apologize to the victims has not changed, we decided that the ruling regarding her changing a flight path is one that is unequal [to the standards of] the world and needs to be reviewed."
Park's side said that they have yet to receive notification of this deposit. They assert that more than money, a sincere apology is important.
However, if the money is accepted, it will be regarded as a gesture that the two sides have come to an agreement. This deposit will thus play a crucial role during the appellate trial.
Netizens comments included: "The parents who taught her that money solves everything are pathetic," "She should give them 1 billion won (approx. $900,000 USD) each, endure the criticism, and resign.... What can anyone do with just 100 million won these days? From what I see, purser Park is not going to look for that money. Why? Because the moment he takes that money, he goes from a good guy to a bad guy, a strange guy; because it's obvious he will be cursed," and, "A decision that is unequal to the standards of the world? Great. South Korea can proudly take charge in a new direction! Don't apologize and just reflect while you're in jail."
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