10 cute Korean babies that will make your day

Posted by Pakman31 pts Friday, July 4, 2014

One of my favorite past-times? Frollicking through the fluff of YouTube! And on YouTube there are loads of cute baby videos. Babies laughing, crying, singing, smiling, and doing the simplest things in the most aww-inducing ways possible! Come goo-goo ga-ga over these adorable babies that are having Korea squealing! These little gems will seriously make your day. 

Wow, it's Mom! But I'm sleepy~.

How can we not start off with the YouTube star, baby Yerin! Watch this little cutie as she struggles between smiling at her mommy and laying her heavy baby head to rest. Awww, JUST LOOK AT DAT SMILE! No wonder she won a YouTube award back in 2011 for this! 



Here she is just two years later--not nearly as cheerful, as she is learning the unhappy struggles of them Monday mornings. 


Awww poor babyyyyy.


Speaking of life struggles, watch this baby here try to satisfy his stomach only to burn his tongue.

"INTO THE TUMMY-ah, okay maybe not."

Mommy, I'm sorry

Remember when your parents yelled at you, and you felt like it was the end of the world? Well who knew how adorable a baby's crumbling reaction would be! Nayeon here gets lectured by her mother after having skipped out on her dinner and asking for a late night meal. Just try to stay angry at those big puppy eyes and trembling little voice.


Awwww--that's right. You can't.

That's not ma name!

Did you ever hate your name as a kid? Well baby Yoochun here hates his name so much, he cries when his mommy says it! Awww cheer up kiddo, Yoochun isn't such a bad name! I know plenty of screaming JYJ fangirls who'd vouch for that.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, whaaat.

Move aside Wiggles and "Gangnam Style", this baby has a new dance to show off to the world! Yeah, you go baby! Shake those shoulders!

I can count from cute to cuter!

Speaking of mini, fun-sized talents, here is a little girl showing off her counting skills to her daddy! What a smart, squishy little ducky. 

Free candy from a stranger? Yespls.

Watch this video as a mother tries to teach her beautiful daughter some Stranger Danger 101. Our baby girl doesn't seem to be getting the lesson though--concerning, but adorable nonetheless!

"I have a lover? More like EVERYONE'S MY LOVER."

Start the video at 2:30 and watch this baby sweep everyone off their feet as he covers Lee Eun Mi's "I Have a Lover". Watch out for that high note, it's a lady-slayer!!

Baby cackles

Babies make the funniest sounds. Watch this little tyke laugh and laugh as his parents tease him with his water bottle. Make sure to watch the whole thing, his mood swings are hilarious! 


Parents love to prank their kids. Watch this little girl flip out, saying, "What do I do? What do I do?" when her parents trick her into thinking they ate all her oranges. All together now-awwwwwwwww!

So there you have it! 10 cute babies from Korea! Which was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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