As of March 13th, voices criticizing the malicious YouTuber who reportedly caused emotional distress to actress Kim Sae Ron by indiscriminately revealing her personal life through their YouTube channel have intensified. The YouTuber, a former entertainment journalist, is accused of exacerbating Kim's struggles, which eventually led to her tragic passing.

According to the National Assembly's electronic petition homepage on the afternoon of March 13th, a petition titled “Request for Strong Measures to Prevent Harm to Celebrities, Such as Suicides, Caused by YouTube Activities of Entertainment Journalists” had received over 47,000 signatures by 5 PM. The petition aims to address the severe consequences of YouTubers, particularly former entertainment journalists, who use their platforms to stalk and harass celebrities.
The petitioner, identified as A, explained, "It’s not a new issue, but the problem of entertainment journalists creating YouTube channels to harass celebrities to the level of stalking is worsening. I believe it is time for this vicious behavior by both current and former entertainment journalists to be publicly discussed." The petition is believed to target the YouTube channel, Entertainment President Lee Jin Ho operated by former journalist Lee Jin-ho, who has repeatedly posted videos revealing Kim Sae Ron’s private life. Lee Jin Ho’s channel currently has around 620,000 subscribers.
A pointed out that “It has become increasingly common for former entertainment journalists to set up personal YouTube channels, where they broadcast stories from the entertainment world or focus on current issues. They use these channels to generate income and convey content that often leads to significant social consequences.”
The petitioner further criticized the actions of Lee Jin Ho and others in similar positions, stating, "Kim Sae Ron, who caused a stir several years ago due to a drunk-driving accident and later went through a period of reflection, has been repeatedly stalked through YouTube channels and social media activities, forcing her life to be exposed despite her wishes. This includes unwarranted phone calls, with content creators using such interactions to make biased evaluations and share videos with the public, claiming 'She is exhibiting abnormal behavior,' 'She is not showing remorse,' and other harmful narratives."
The petition will be reviewed by the National Assembly’s standing committee if it receives 50,000 signatures within 30 days of its publication, with the deadline being March 26th.
The petitioner urged the National Assembly to address the growing influence of YouTube on public life and to establish fundamental qualification criteria for YouTubers, specifically those targeting celebrities. “There must be clear regulations and standards for the content that YouTubers produce, especially those who exploit entertainment stories for personal gain, without regard for the harm caused to the celebrities involved,” the petitioner emphasized.
The petitioner concluded by strongly urging the government to take action, saying, “We must prevent celebrities from suffering further due to the invasive behaviors of YouTubers who prioritize profit over the well-being of individuals in the entertainment industry.”