On January 18, actor Uhm Ki Joon took to social media to announce his marriage, sharing a touching message alongside a wedding photo. “I am finally getting married at 49. I promise to live happily and joyfully. Thank you,” he wrote.
The posted photo captured Uhm Ki Joon dressed in a white suit at what appeared to be his wedding venue. His radiant expression reflected the excitement and joy of starting a new chapter in life.
Previously, in May of last year, Uhm Ki Joon revealed the news of his engagement through a heartfelt handwritten letter. He shared, “I thought finding a lifelong partner might not be in the cards for me. However, I met someone warmhearted and considerate, and we’ve decided to begin a new life together through marriage.”
The wedding took place privately on December 22 at a hotel in Seoul. Only close family, relatives, and friends were in attendance, keeping the event intimate and low-key.
SEE ALSO: Actor Uhm Ki Joon shares wedding photo and heartfelt reflections