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[INTERVIEW] In this world, Loossemble is "one-of-a-kind": "We will always be Loossemble that will never forget to be grateful!"

Posted by Sofia-Sayson Monday, May 6, 2024

SEE ALSO: [INTERVIEW] 'It is a new start for all of us,' ODD EYE CIRCLE on long-awaited comeback with 'Version Up' and their ultimate goal to go on a world tour

Seven months after making their first appearance as Loossemble with their self-titleddebut mini-album, members HyunJin, YeoJin, ViVi, Go Won, and HyeJu are back in the music scene. The quintet continues to share a new chapter of their musical journey, unveiling their "second choice" with this comeback.

We’re finally back with Loossemble’s second mini-album, and we’re very excited for the upcoming activities. We’ll always try to share our best versions with our fans, C.Loo!” HyunJin expressed.

In their previous record's title track "Sensitive," the quintet made their "first choice." It's an anthem about self-confidence that tells you to embrace your senses that make up who you are. "Just follow your own sensations / Trust every breath I breathe," they sing in the track's bridge. 

With their recent mini-album, 'One Of A Kind,' Loossemble explores their "second choice" — a decision about unity: to come together and be ready to face any fears and protect their "one-of-a-kind" selves. 

The record boasts eight new tracks: the opening "Intro (A butterfly's signal)," the energetic and bright focus single "Girls' Night," "Moonlight," "Boomerang," "He Said I Said," "Truman Show," "Starlight," and the instrumental version of the title song. Notably, all members were involved in creating the songs. 

Following the group's return, allkpop had the opportunity to talk to Loossemble about 'One Of A Kind,' writing process, and something that they have that they think is "one-of-a-kind." Read the full exclusive interview below!

Shout-out from Loossemble to allkpop readers:

allkpop: First and foremost, congratulations on your comeback! Tell us how your idol life has been as part of Loossemble so far. What was it like making your first group comeback?

HyunJin: I think it's really special to be active as Loossemble. It's not often that the five of us get a chance to work together and be active again. And it was fun and exciting to prepare for our first comeback as a group!

YeoJin: We put more effort into this comeback than our first album! We tried to show you that we've grown more!

ViVi: We're having a lot of fun and enjoying our activities as Loossemble. There were worries and difficulties in the preparation process, but we overcame them together and prepared well!

Go Won: We enjoy being on the stage! And during the preparation, the members also gave their opinions and worked hard to release a good album.

HyeJu: The preparation process wasn't always easy, but by facing problems, we were able to grow and have a good experience.

allkpop: You said in a previous interview that you aim to address things you lack in. In which aspects or areas do you think you still need to improve and how do you plan to work on that? You also said that your teamwork is very strong, so I was wondering how you help and tell each other what lacks or what can be improved from there!

HyunJin: The title song of the last album had a low chorus, which was able to increase the concentration of the listener. But most music emphasizes touching high notes in the chorus, so I wanted to express it like that at least once. And I was able to do that in this album. It was nice to have done it, and I feel that our music has grown in that way. I think we will continue to showcase our growth in the future. And as the members have a strong team spirit, we care for each other so much that we help each other by monitoring and recommending gestures and facial expressions when choreographing/dancing!

YeoJin: Our teamwork is good because we get advice from each other when it comes to skill and choreography details!

ViVi: I think we can grow more by making more attempts in participating in our albums. But this time, I think we have improved in terms of our participation level for the writing part. We respect each other's improvement while also monitoring each other. We talk honestly and help each other.

Go Won: There are some areas where we feel like we're lacking or not good enough because we have a strong desire to do better. So, we give each other a lot of feedback on what we need to improve and praise what we're doing well, which helps us gain confidence.

HyeJu: I think we can grow further in expressing ourselves more freely on stage. We also recommend gestures to each other while watching practice videos. We monitor our performance videos, giving each other feedback and so, strengthening our teamwork!

allkpop: Since the album title is ‘One Of A Kind,’ what do the members think they have that you consider as “one-of-a-kind”?

HyunJin: I have a voice like a jade crystal, one of a kind in the world!

YeoJin: I think it's my charm!

ViVi: HyunJin is the confident leader, YeoJin is the timid maknae who has a lot of talents, Go Won is the sensible princess, HyeJu is the honest baby, and I'm the healthy sister!

Go Won: I think my part in the song showcases my unique voice and timbre that you can recognize right away!

HyeJu: I think I have a frank and cynical personality.

allkpop: The members participated in your debut self-titled album, now, you did it again with ‘One Of A Kind’! Could you describe your experience in writing lyrics? Do you believe you’re more comfortable now with expressing yourself and your thoughts through your songs?

HyunJin: I always write the message I want to convey to my fans in my lyrics. However, I tend to worry a lot about how to express difficult parts more actively.

YeoJin: It wasn't difficult because I was able to melt my thoughts and feelings into the lyrics.

ViVi: It's interesting to be able to express my thoughts and stories through lyrics. And for me, writing lyrics is still not easy and I think it's a process of exploration.

Go Won: I still had some difficulties, but it was fun to be able to put my feelings and thoughts into the lyrics!

HyeJu: Yes! I've gotten more comfortable with expressing my thoughts. I was surprised that the lyrics came out faster than I thought because I wrote them with the exact message I wanted to convey.

allkpop: I’m invested in the music video. There are a lot of things happening there, especially toward the end. Tell us more about it and its filming process. For those who are curious, is it a part of your so-called lore or worldview? Do you guys also take part in sharing ideas and symbolism for your music video?

HyunJin: First of all, I think it's really fun to watch a music video with a worldview. Maybe that's why there are so many acting parts. The members act so well that fans seem to have fun interpreting them in various ways! We ask for your continued interest in our worldview!

YeoJin: There was a lot of filming, but I felt a little embarrassed when filming the parts where CGI was used.

ViVi: The music video shoot was focused on the story and choreography. It was cold when we shot the choreography for the last chorus, but I think it came out beautifully in the music video with firecrackers!

Go Won: In the music video, there was a cut where we were playing Jenga, and everyone was getting more and more competitive. We were really playing with all of our hearts. It fits the title of our title track “Girls' Night” and we had a lot of fun filming it! I think it's very memorable!

HyeJu: When we were told that we were releasing a performance video separately, we prepared the choreography in a hurry. But we were grateful that it was captured better with the filming techniques. I remember shivering with the members while filming because it was very cold.

allkpop: There are lines in “Intro (A butterfly’s signal) that say, “It’s a choice, not a chance / That determines your destiny / Just like our little flies / We hope it reaches you.” What do they mean for you, and what do you want the listeners to take away from it as well as the other songs?

HyunJin: We want our voice to reach a lot of people. We hope that the message we are trying to convey will spread far and wide!

YeoJin: I believe that no matter how small your wings are, if you flap them strongly, you can make a big difference.

ViVi: We don't wait for opportunities, we fight our way through our own choices. We hope that the listeners can feel the story and power we want to tell.

Go Won: Following our last album, this one also contains the message of choice. We hope that our positive energy will reach the listeners like a butterfly effect.

HyeJu: Everything is my choice, and the path I choose is the right answer. So, I wanted to give a message to believe in yourself and to just keep moving forward without stopping, because the small flaps we make will eventually and gradually become larger flaps.

allkpop: Since the members took part in writing the songs, which lines are you most proud of coming up with, or a line from any of the songs that is your favorite?

HyunJin: Lyrics from the song “Starlight”: "Even if I sometimes get tired and stumble / Because of your heart shining like a star / I smile again." I like this part the most!

YeoJin: I like “Truman Show,” and I think I like the lyrics where hurt and betrayal coexist.

ViVi: “In this rough world, we’re one of a kind” is my favorite lyric in our title track “Girls’ Night.”

Go Won: I like the “Lullaby lullaby, like a butterfly” part from “Truman Show”!

HyeJu: My favorite lyrics from “Girls' Night” is “When the world that confined us starts to change because of me / The moment we’ve been dreaming of has come.”

allkpop: I read in a previous interview where ViVi said, “Trusting your instincts isn’t easy; there are moments of doubts and confusion.” Go Won with “The world isn’t easy.” And HyeJu with “In life, we face numerous choices, leading to questions and regrets.” Whenever you all are given or encounter a situation like that, what do you do to overcome it and what’s your mindset like?

HyunJin: When a difficult situation arises, I tend to try to understand things. Because if I'm not able to understand something, I'm the one who would have a hard time accepting it. So, I try to understand and accept as much as I can so that I don't make it harder on myself.

YeoJin: I have the mindset of doing well and not giving up on anything and doing it as long as I can.

ViVi: There are many things that are out of my control when I am given such a situation. I think I have learned to accept the situation and deal with it myself and my mind through the difficulties and frustrations, and just focus on what I can do.

Go Won: Not all situations are easy, but I try to make the best choice I can at the time. There will be moments when I will have regrets, but even if I go back to that time, it was for the best. So, I try to focus more on the future than the past.

HyeJu: I tend not to get caught up in regrets about my choices and try to quickly find a better solution. Because if you become obsessed with regret, you blame yourself endlessly. When you ask me, “If I were to go back to the past without knowing the outcome, would I make the same choice?” I think I would still make the same choice. In the end, I think I gain good experiences and lessons from every choice I make.

allkpop: Lastly, tell us your short- and long-term goals for Loossemble! Feel free to leave a message to C.Loo and allkpop readers as well!

HyunJin: Our short-term goal as a group is that for this album's performance to be better than our previous album's. And our long-term goal is that for our group to become a positive energy and a good example for others. We want to give hope and dreams to those who are looking at the same place as us.

YeoJin: Everyone! Loossemble is back, and we hope our flapping wings will comfort you!

ViVi: In the short term, I hope to meet C.Loo with a better look in our next album. And in the long term, I want all the members and C.Loo to be healthy and happy. We are so grateful to C.Loo and the readers of allkpop for showing us so much love and support, and we look forward to the future!

Go Won: First of all, my goal is to have fun on stage with our members. We hope to meet many fans through our tours and concerts. C.Loo and allkpop readers! Thank you for supporting Loossemble’s first comeback and we hope that this ‘One of a Kind’ album will be a comfort and strength to you!

HyeJu: In the short term, we want to finish our activities for this comeback healthily and enjoyably. In the long term, we want to become a group that has good albums. Hello C.Loo and allkpop readers, I’m Hyeju! Thank you for your support and interest! It has given me a lot of strength and made me happy. We will always be Loossemble that will never forget to be grateful!


Facebook: 루셈블 Loossemble
Instagram: @loossemble.official
TikTok: @loossemble_official
YouTube: Loossemble
X: @Loossemble_twt

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