HyunA recently opened up about her weight loss and the impact it had on her health.
On May 2, HyunA appeared as a special guest on the 28th episode of 'Season B Season 4' and sat down to have a meal with Rain. In the latest episode, HyunA had a candid talk with her senior and opened up about her weight.
The conversation started when Rain sat down with HyunA at the restaurant. When they sat down Rain greeted HyunA saying, "In the time I haven't seen you, you've become prettier." But Hyun replied, "I gained some weight now" to which Rain responded, "But you look so much better now."

He continued to say, "There was a time I haven't seen you, HyunA, for a long time - for many years. When I saw you again, I thought 'How can you be that thin?'" expressing his concern at that time. HyunA confessed, "When I was only 40kg (88 lbs) back then."
HyunA elaborated, "(During that time) I only ate one piece of Kimbap when I would be on my schedule. Because of this, my health declined drastically starting at age 26. I wanted to do well on stage but I wasn't able to." She continued, "When that moment came, I asked myself 'Is the happiness I wanted?' and then starting last year. I started to realize how to be thankful for the little things in life."

And back then when people were worried she said she her thinness was natural and healthy and encouraged eating only one meal a day like her. Thats good for her, being healthier now, but what about all the young people who tried to emulate her shitty diet because she posted it all over social media and now also have disordered eating.