NCT Dream's Renjun personally responds to criticism about weight & changed appearance
Posted by Germaine-Jay Tuesday, March 26, 2024
NCT Dream's Renjun personally responded to criticism about his weight and changed appearance.
Though Renjun is known for his handsome visuals, he had a different look at NCT Dream's comeback showcase for their fifth mini-album 'DREAM( )SCAPE' according to fans. Fans and netizens are alleging his face appears more bloated and swollen than usual, and some speculated he may have undergone cosmetic procedures. Others speculated he was taking medication or is otherwise under a lot of stress, causing his face to bloat.
On March 26, Renjun took to the fan community platform Dear U. Bubble to address their concerns. He explained he had simply gained some weight, writing, "Some might have been disappointed by my swollen appearance. I'm still me though, and my voice and dance are still Renjun. Weight can be lost. Thank you so much for still loving me despite this!"
Take a look at Renjun's photos from NCT Dream's comeback showcase below.
Whether you’re an idol or not. No one should ever be prompted to explain or apologize for the way they look. “Thank you so much for loving me despite this”. Heartbreaking.
53(+53 / -0)
Arjey-499 ptsTuesday, March 26, 2024 0
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
I feel pity for him.I don't need an apologize.
The inhuman industry must be restructured. And ofc. the "fans".
Whether you’re an idol or not. No one should ever be prompted to explain or apologize for the way they look. “Thank you so much for loving me despite this”. Heartbreaking.